A Guide: What's Your Personal Brand?

Pro Tip: it isn’t your logo.

 I couldn’t wait, the day had come. It was time to make my first “real” business cards. I couldn’t wait to pick out the font, the design and really be like BOOM this is me, right on this card. I reflected on the words that I believed truly captured my essence, and the values I wanted to stand for. Curiosity, Creativity, and Enthusiasm:

  • Curiosity for having lots of questions and wanting to find answers.

  • Creativity for approaching life with a different perspective, making art that inspires others.

  • Enthusiasm, in being eager to approach life with energy and lots of passion.

Oh, by the way, I was in high school (nerd alert). I’m laughing as I type this because high school Kayla picked words she still values just as much, if not more as adult-ish Kayla.

Personal branding:

  • Doesn’t start the second that you get an iced coffee and sit down at your local coffee shop and start a website

  • Doesn’t start when you apply for your first job

  • Doesn’t start when your really cool artsy friend sends you your new logo in pdf

  • Doesn’t start because you made an Etsy or a Facebook Page

Your personal brand has been around your entire life, and it grows and evolves along with you. The good news is that it’s who you are. A personal brand doesn’t limit you from reinventing yourself, shifting your path, or making changes. All of those things are awesome, and should be embraced. Growth is just a part of your journey and story.

 A personal brand is not only what you do, but a set of values that you resonate with, that make you “you” and that you strive to live on a daily basis.

Consider the following when reflecting upon your personal brand:

  • What are your values?

  • What are your talents?

  • What is your mission?

  • What are some things people may say about you?

Perhaps after reflecting on the above questions, you can add more context about what you do (specifically what you are passionate about) and tie it in with your values, talents, and mission. When building out my personal statement (to use for LinkedIn or my resume) I wanted to inject my core values of creativity, curiosity and enthusiasm.. Although ever-evolving, it currently reads as:

“Ambitious digital marketing professional with a passion for advertising, content creation and branding; Natural curiosity and exemplary work ethic that adds immediate value to brand performance and client relationships.”

 Want to get started on your own personal brand? Identify what qualities you embody and value. Write in a way where you can harness them to do good in the world and create meaningful s#%@. Don’t be afraid to ask some friends and family about what they may think yours might be. These qualities are beautiful reminders of what make you, you, and can also remind you of the energy you bring to the world errday.

 Figure out what your personal brand is and OWN IT my friends.

(Peace Sign)


Kayla Mueller