The Opener: My First Post
Most of us have either said it or heard it before. The ultimate excuse… “my website isn’t done”.
It seems like sometimes the biggest obstacle in sharing our work is ourselves, or rather the excuses we create. We tell ourselves that it isn’t the right time or that our work isn’t ready to be shared. We have to sort all of our photos into albums or maybe draft the perfect blog post, but wait, maybe you just got your nails done and there’s absolutely no way you can possibly type so it tonight so it will have to wait. Don’t get me wrong, art doesn’t have to be shared to be transformative, but it’s a part of the creative process that I’d personally like to share. The digital advertiser in me tends to overanalyze what my site will be. For example, I’m often asking myself: Who is the audience? What structure will I use? What am I sharing? Will my work be able to inspire others?
Instead of getting overwhelmed by answering those questions, I’ve decided to just go for it.
We need to remember that part of creating content is the vulnerability of sharing in and of itself. We need to let go of the need to be in control and the desire for perfection, for that is when we grow most. There’s a reason we can update website content after we share it. Valuable time is passing by. I’m all about the importance of attention to detail, but it’s also important to start somewhere. Strive to find the balance in creating more work rather than creating more excuses. I’m looking forward to having you join me along this journey.